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Links to the Colchester Institute

The Official Site;

The Colchester Institute 

The Colchester Institute

Equality and Diversity

At Colchester Institute we strive to make sure that all students and staff are treated with dignity and respect and that everyone is given the same opportunities to succeed.

We are all responsible for our behaviour and should not make any other person feel uncomfortable or discriminated against. The College will not tolerate bullying or harassment in any form.
For support or more information please contact Student Services or email Maeve Borges the Equality and Diversity Manager at



We aim to make sure students have a safe environment to work in at all times and are supported by staff.


If you have any concerns please talk to your Programme Leader who will contact a safeguarding officer for you to talk to if necessary. Alternatively student services and safeguarding can be found near main reception. 

The college also has a Student Union who are happy to support you with any concerns you may have. They can be found above B Block café.

Any student experiencing problems can talk to any of their tutors or to trained counsellors at the college.


Please do everything you can to attend all of your sessions and arrive on time. If you need to take a day off because of sickness or injury we do understand, but you will need to let us know!


In this instance please report your absence using the Online Form.

Please also do all you can to contact your tutors directly.

If you are off for more than 3 days in a row you will need to provide us with a medical letter from your doctor or correspondence from a parent or guardian. 

Please be aware that attendance reports are sent out and students failing to attend without a legitimate reason can be subject to disciplinary action. Parents/ guardians of students aged 18 or under at the start of the course will be notified.

Students are expected to behave in a courteous and respectful manner to staff and fellow students. There is no spitting or swearing on campus, neither is possession of alcohol, weapons or drugs allowed on campus.

Lanyards must be worn at all times.

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